The Community Café site represents the collective wisdom of many family stories. We stand on the shoulders of our ancestors and the generations before us who not only passed on their stories but sacrificed life and substance so we could have a voice. Guidance from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. helped us dream of a “beloved community” and gave us the courage to say the words out loud.
Here are some of the resources we’ve used to inform our thinking, affirm the work, communicate with others about what the work is, or get inspiration. Please feel free to share your own resources, questions, harvests and learning with the rest of the Community Café collaborative at
Online Resources
Strengthening Families Through Early Care and Education by the Center for the Study of Social Policy, plus information about the protective factor framework for more information about Children’s Trust Funds and national child abuse and neglect prevention work for tools, inspiration, networks and contacts to those hosting World Cafés for a myriad of reasons for a book and to connect to the collaborative work and network of John McKnight and Peter Block
The World Café: Changing the World One Conversation at a Time by Juanita Brown
Community the Structure of Belonging by Peter Block for more on convening to build community
Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegel for parenting
Internal Family Systems Therapy by Richard C. Schwartz for more on Self Leadership from a therapeutic perspective and to read from the original source of the concept
Turning to One Another and the article “Using Emergence to Take Social Innovation to Scale,” by Margaret Wheatley or almost anything by Margaret Wheatley
Appreciative Inquiry A Positive Revolution in Change by David Cooperrider and Diana Whitney for more on Appreciative Inquiry
Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Communities byJohn McKnight and Peter Block for when you start to feel you can’t strengthen families or build a stronger neighborhood without more money or resources
Community Café Resources:
These tools were developed over time by our leadership team. We are all learning together and want to share these tools to help facilitate your work in your community. We hope you will provide us feedback about whether the tools are helpful and share tips and tools of your own. Please feel free to copy and distribute these to others. These tools are available at no cost and we only ask that you site this website as your source if you use any of these materials in your printed documents. Click a language to download these PDF documents.
Orientation Guide to the Community Café Approach (English and Spanish)
Guide to Forming a Community Café Leadership Team (English)
Quick Guide (English, Spanish, and Russian)
Documenting the Harvest (English and Spanish)
Tips for Hosting (English, Spanish, and Russian)
Conversation Template (English, Spanish, and Russian)
Designing Questions (English, Spanish, and Russian)
Flow Agenda Template (English, Spanish, and Russian)
Tips for Nourishing the Whole Host (English)
Tips for Nourishing Your Team (English)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (English)
Planning Team Conversation Guide (English, Spanish, and Russian)
Theory of Change Outcome Map (English)
Theory of Change Companion Notes (English)
What is Appreciative Inquiry? (English and Spanish)
Sample Invitations (English and Spanish)
World Café Guidelines (English/Spanish)
Protective Factor Framework Handout (English, Spanish, and Russian)
Protective Factor Framework Posters (English and Spanish)
Are you looking for ways to authentically partner with communities? Contact our team to find out more.